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Semester 7

eh, kita semester berapa sih skg? *pertanyaan retoris* *pura2 lupa udah jd mahasiswa tingkat akhir* wua wua wuahhh.... akhirnya sampai juga gw pada -hampir- penghujung kehidupan gw di HI UI. Saat ini tinggal sisa 9 SKS lagi untuk menambahkan titel S.Sos di belakang nama gw. Artinya, gw cuma punya waktu kurang dari 5 bulan untuk : 1. Menyelesaikan SKRIPSI (deadline 27 september 2011) 2. Belajar IELTS (dengan target nilai 8, insya Allah mau tes bulan November) 3. Menuntaskan amanah di KSM (masih punya tunggakan proker sekolah pimnas, penelitian besar, survei, seminar SBY-Boediono, workshop penulisan, welcome maba, dll.) 4. Mempersiapkan diri untuk apply S2 ke Oxford (amin ya Allah) 5. Mencapai target-target lain seperti nulis satu artikel per minggu dan dikirim ke Sindo + Jakarta Post (koran lain semacam republika, koran tempo, dan kompas), apply IELSP, YLI, magang dan lain2.... alhamdulillah juga di semester 7 ini dibuka kesempatan menjadi asisten perkuliahan a.k.a asisten dosen...

KOREA 2011!

Amazing, alhamdulillahirabbilalamin. I couldn't be more grateful to Allah SWT who gave me another opportunity to go abroad. Yeah dude! finally, i went to South Korea, to attend Global MUN 2011. It was a blessed and a BLAST! Meeting so many people around the world, the next future leader and of course I had a rare opportunity to see Mr. Secretary General of United Nations a.k.a Mr. Ban Ki-Moon. Unfortunately, I hadn't a chance to take a photo with him, really bad :( but I though it was a minor dissapointment, since the whole conference was really GREAT for me. Although, the rules of procedure were quiet distinctive rather than usual MUN. But I gained a lot of knowledge there, especially related to UN General Assembly resolution making process, general debate and how they prefer to use consesnsus rather than voting. I also enjoyed so much experiences on traditional Korean culture. Moreover, I get many newfriends around the world! And yeah, because of it is held in the hol...