in reverse chronological order (December - January) :
1. Skripsi finished
2. Palembang -> MHMMD
3. FIM 11 superb Jong Sunda dan Sahabat Misterius :)
4. ASisten DOSen (ASDOS) institusi internasional
5. Display UKM 300 pendaftar KSM
6. Global MUN Korea 2011 -> meet Ban Ki Moon, friends around the world
7. PIMNAS XXIV juara II LKTM Kemaritiman Sosial Budaya
8. MTQ Mahasiswa 2011 first time to Makassar
9. World Economic Forum on East Asia meet so many important persons
10. Pulau Tidung with beloved HI UI 08
11. UGM, Jogja kongres ILP2MI
12. Bandung sweet little escape
13. PLD XXIV can't believe we made it
14. NARRATION 2011 sukses!
15. LKMM akhirnya bisa ikut juga :)
16. Malam Apresiasi Mahasiswa Berprestasi FISIP UI alhamdulillah dapet laptop :)
17. Pulau Pramuka dan Pulau Panggang first trip to thousand islands, first time snorkeling
18. NTU MUN Singapore 2011, one night stand around Marina Bay and Esplanade
19. Jabriks 2011 ciwidey
20. Ujung Genteng perjalanan super dengan orang-orang super
1. Skripsi finished
2. Palembang -> MHMMD
3. FIM 11 superb Jong Sunda dan Sahabat Misterius :)
4. ASisten DOSen (ASDOS) institusi internasional
5. Display UKM 300 pendaftar KSM
6. Global MUN Korea 2011 -> meet Ban Ki Moon, friends around the world
7. PIMNAS XXIV juara II LKTM Kemaritiman Sosial Budaya
8. MTQ Mahasiswa 2011 first time to Makassar
9. World Economic Forum on East Asia meet so many important persons
10. Pulau Tidung with beloved HI UI 08
11. UGM, Jogja kongres ILP2MI
12. Bandung sweet little escape
13. PLD XXIV can't believe we made it
14. NARRATION 2011 sukses!
15. LKMM akhirnya bisa ikut juga :)
16. Malam Apresiasi Mahasiswa Berprestasi FISIP UI alhamdulillah dapet laptop :)
17. Pulau Pramuka dan Pulau Panggang first trip to thousand islands, first time snorkeling
18. NTU MUN Singapore 2011, one night stand around Marina Bay and Esplanade
19. Jabriks 2011 ciwidey
20. Ujung Genteng perjalanan super dengan orang-orang super
alhamdulilllahirabbilalamin, semoga lebih menyenangkan di tahun depan :D
semoga terus meningkat, aamiin :D